Young Women's Forum - About Us



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MISSION Possible

We aim to have an independent space in the EAWF for young feminists and friends in East Asian regions to build up our own agenda and platform of actions.

We aim to allow young feminists and friends to join YWF as an individual, who is here to speak for herself/ himself as freely as possible.

We aim to create a network for young feminists and friends in the East Asian regions to share information, enhance mutual understanding, and to explore ways for concerted action.

We aim to creatively explore the meaning of feminisms, and critically involve ourselves in any form of local activism and regional or global joint action.

We aim to carry on YWF as a way of self-training, mutual empowerment, and facilitating conversation with our predecessors.


Young Women's Forum (YWF, formerly known as Youth Forum) is an independent part of the East Asian Women's Forum (EAWF). It was first launched in the 4th EAWF held in Taipei in September 2000. The first Youth Forum Workshop was warmly welcomed by younger participants of the conference and also kindly supported by many veteran regional activists of women's rights.

The first Forum Workshop held in 4th EAWF attracted more than 30 participants. We have achieved initial networking of younger feminists and friends in East Asian regions in the first Forum Workshop. Contact persons from participating areas in EAWF were elected for continuous networking and regional exchange. After hours of exciting discussion, we all decided to carry on the forum in future and here is the first resolution we made in 4th EAWF: The Youth Forum will continue to be part of the Main Forum. In particular, we encourage more discussion of sexuality as a mojor concern of the Youth Forum. In the first meeting, a contact person for each participating areas has been selected.

The workshop provides a free and creative zone for younger feminists and friends from East Asian regions to build up their agenda and platform of actions.

See Us in the 4th EAWF 2000

Call for photos!
Most probably we were too happy and overwhelmed to meet each other in the first Youth Forum that we forgot to take any group photos! If you've been there and luckily you remembered to take out your camera, please kindly send some photos for this site to the following postal address: P.O. Box SCL 1556, Shatin Central Post Office, Hong Kong. OR send by email to Please make each photo in JPEG format and smaller than 150KB.

      ... in their own words...

Lucetta Kam (a.k.a Lulu), Contact Person of YWF
I was a participant of the first Youth Forum held during the 4th EAWF in 2000 in Taipei. It's my first time to join regional women's conference and definitely it's an experience that has changed me to some degree. Youth Forum is a "mission" we brought home when the conference was over. It has provided us with a valuable self-learning and training opportunity to build things on our own from zero. From only two local participants to now we have 7 committed workers in the Hong Kong YWF committee, we have undergone many struggles, anxieties and uncertainties. I'm glad I am here to witness and engage in the formation of Young Women's Forum in East Asia. During the process, I've learnt to be confident, to work with different people, and most importantly to develop a sense of "power", that we have power and ability to do things that we've never done or even imagined before. It takes time for me to be aware of my own power. We all have power, but most of the time we dare not to recognise it and let it always be covered under uncertainty. Maybe I can say it in this way, from YWF, I find myself the spirit of GoAhead!

Let me also introduce briefly about myself. I'm now a full-time MPhil student of gender studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I've worked for several years in magazines and as freelance writer after graduation in 1996. Last year I made a decision to be a full-time student again. Also in last year, I finally realised my "dream" of publishing a book on women talking about their first same-sex love stories. In the following years, I will continue to engage in any local or regional projects of gender issues, women's issues, sexual rights or cultural diversities. And of course, my biggest hope is to see the growth of YWF in future :)
Contact Lulu at

Ellen Liu story ...After graduated, I set up my first three-year plan. Before 25 years old, I want to explore myself as much as possible. I am a feminist. I worked in an abused women shelter for a year after graduation. I heard different story from all walk of life. At first I though, some woman they were very stupid, they put up with abused by someone. However, when I come across more and more cases, I tried to put myself into their shoes, I found I understand their situation more. I did the counseling and I myself also learn something.

I quitted my job to join Raleigh International, a British charity organization, to go to Central America for a three-month volunteer work... Having finished the volunteer work, I spent three month to traveling around South America and Mexico. During the trip, I learnt how to live with other people who came from different cultures. And then I spent another half year in Europe. I lived in Netherlands; I worked in a Japanese restaurant. I like Netherlands because the people and lifestyle there are very simple. They do not need to be very rich, they can do anything they like. I thought i would stay there forever but when I asked myself what I really want to achieve in my life, I am not sure. But at least I realized Netherlands was not a right place for my development.

Year 2000, I decided to go back to Hong Kong and started my long-term career. Now I am working in a social service organization, to serve the elderly who moved in Mainland China. During the spare time, I assist some women organizations to organize activities. A few months ago, my friend told me about this Young Women Forum. I found it very challenging and meaningful. So I joined. I enjoy team work. Although I haven't met the other workers before the first meeting, their enthusiasm and commitment really impressed me. I will devote my best to it.
Contact Ellen at

Kong Sau
I "met" feminism and began to concern about gender issues during my first year in university. The encounter began with my joining the university's Women's Centre as a volunteer and member in its collective. In retrospect, I always think it was a total coincidence; but this coincidence has changed my way of thinking and of understanding the world and myself. It was also the beginning of my journey to search for infinite possibilities of what women can do and can be, challenging the dominant patriarchal ideology, and meeting fabulous and like-minded women (and men as well).
Contact Kong Sau at

Clara Tsang (On-Fu)
I am a Theology student. I started to concern women issues is two years ago when I joined the ASYG 2000 as a Hong Kong participant. In the event, I chose "women issues" from East Asia as our first priority of concern. Then I started to study more about women and find that even Christianity could be one of the sociocultural sources for the discrimination of women. When I try to learn more and share what I study, I feel the pressure from the mainstream and there are disadvantages caused to me.

As a married woman, I don't hate men but I hate "the men" who don't concern about or communicate with women. They just try their best to control the women whom they don't understand. I claim myself a feminist since last summer. As a married woman and a female theology student, I know what the expectations from the society, the church and the seminary are. I just want to be my true self. I still claim myself a Christian because my Goddess/God made me in Her/His own image and still keeps Her/His faithful promise of salvations for all women even Her/His own people doesn't work it out faithfully.

Si-si Liu
Contact Si-si at

ceci yam
Neither a feminist nor an activist i am. In spite of my ignorance of feminism and feminist movement, I appreciate the feminist cause and the mission of the Youth Women Forum and so are happy to give my little help. With some knowledge in electronic publishing and editorial work, i hope i could help to build a virtual community here for the freest expression and exchange of ideas.
Contact ceci at

Contact Moshea at

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