last update: 14/08/2003


Guidelines for Paper Submission and Presentation 



1. Paper submission:

Paper submissions relating to our workshop topics or the 3 sub-themes are welcomed. Each article should not exceed 2,000 words. We will not be responsible for any translation if paper submitted is not in English. Original text will be printed in the publication. All the papers submitted would be published in the forum publication, regardless of whether it has been presented. The paper's cover page must include: title, author' name, region, affiliated organization and correspondence information. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2003. Papers must be submitted electronically (in word format) to our Secretariat by this date.

1. 論文投稿︰



2. Regional paper submission in workshops:
Each region will have one presentation in each workshop. Time allowed for each speaker is 5 minutes. Remaining time is reserved for discussion.
2. 工作坊議題的地區論文發表︰


3. If there are more than one paper submitted in one region:
The contact person should coordinate paper presentation in advance. We suggest, either the groups from that region can make a joint presentation, but the total time allowed is still 5 minutes; or to agree to one presentation and the others can make floor presentation, each floor presentation is allowed 3 minutes.
3. 如超過一份地區論文發表︰


4. Floor presentation:
Participants can present their papers in this section. Each person is allowed a maximum of 3 minutes.
4. 台下發言︰


5. Final decision on presentation:
Final decisions on the arrangements for paper presentations in the workshops will rest with the facilitators.
5. 工作坊發言的最後安排︰

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